6 Ways to Stay Visible When You're Working From Home

6 Ways to Stay Visible When You're Working From Home

You may have worked really hard to be visible and noticed when we were all working in an office, but now that we’re working from home, the game has changed slightly. If anything you’ll need to work harder to ensure you’re noticed for your contributions and maintain your presence.

1.) Invest in a good microphone and webcam

Record yourself on your computer and check if your microphone is picking up your voice strongly enough. If you’ve got a naturally quieter voice, what’s brilliant is that you can buy a powerful mic and actually turn up the sensitivity settings so that you actually sound louder. You don’t want to be fiddling around with making sure you’re heard in a meeting and you want to be confident you’re heard clearly when you’re talking. Same logic for being seen clearly on webcam. Therefore invest in a good webcam and mic.

If you wear glasses make sure they are not reflecting light off any windows and lamps. Being able to make eye contact is important for making sure you get your point across.

2.) Try a video call rather than an email

If you need to discuss work, always consider a video call. A video call is much more powerful than a phone call or an email. Like a discussion in person, there is less risk of miscommunication, and you’re more likely to exchange pleasantries. This will build a friendlier and more memorable relationship and conversation.

3.) Get involved in company wide initiatives

Is there a company wide email that you can get involved in or contribute to and get a shout out? Can you organise a weekly team quiz or social? Can you volunteer to be a company rep for corporate sustainability or diversity/inclusion initiatives. These are all ways to get your name out there.

4.) Put regular meetings in the diary

People can easily get flooded with meetings, so maybe schedule a 15 minute catch up instead of 30 minutes. If it feels like the other person is happy to talk for longer than you can always extend!

5.) Speak up during meetings

If you’re finding it hard to speak up in meetings, then plan. Think of ideas you can raise in the meeting, or an important question you can ask.

6.) Stay looking polished.

Ok you don’t need to be wearing a suit when you’re working from home obviously! But do keep looking put together and polished. You want to look engaged, focused and professional. It’s also nice to have a pleasant backdrop so try to keep your set up tidy and professional looking. If you’re trying to build a sense of status then things like looking like you live in a nice house or flat helps, that doesn’t mean it’s not achievable if you’re not living in a posh flat, but you can do things like making sure your bed isn’t in the angle!


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