10 Best Morning Routine Tips for a Productive Day

10 Best Morning Routine Tips for a Productive Day

If you’re starting to feel sluggish or demotivated try switching up your morning routine. Particularly if you’re working from home, a bit of structure and sense of achievement in the morning can help you feel more positive for the day ahead. Below are 10 tips to try and incorporate into your new day refreshing your mind and body for a productive day.

  1. Open the window

    Get fresh air into your lungs. Open your window first thing in the morning to get fresh air circulating the room after a night’s build up of stale air

  2. Drink a glass of water

    Hydrate yourself. After 8 hours of no water your body and brain will be parched. Drinking a mug of warm water also works wonders for your digestive system.

  3. Make Your Bed

    Fluff up your pillow and duvet, making sure to air them. This 30 sec task makes your room look so much more tidy and you’ll feel like you’ve already achieved something!

  4. Brush Your Hair

    Stimulate blood flow to your brain by massaging those bristles along your scalp

  5. Do a 20 minute morning yoga session

    This is great for clearing your mind and stretching out any bad postures you had in your sleep

  6. Get dressed and looking sharp for work

    Put on your make up and smart clothes to get yourself in a professional mind set, and looking your best on webcam. Read here for secrets to looking sharp and professional.

  7. Make breakfast

    Try organic oats with two fruits: blueberries and bananas. This will keep you full till lunchtime so you won’t get distracted nipping to your fridge every 10 minutes.

  8. Fill a bottle of water up

    Ready to keep you hydrated through the day

  9. Clear your desk

    This will help clear your mind for the day

  10. Write a list of key tasks

    Do this before you’ve checked your emails so you don’t get sidetracked on your overall aim for the day.

Follow these tips, and you’re already winning by 9am. You’ll have already done a bit of exercise, eaten your 2 of 5 fruits a day and drank 1 of your 8 cups of water. These morning tips will help you maintain a healthy body and mind, you’ll feel refreshed and motivated to start a productive day.

Good Luck


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