Making Bread During Coronavirus Times - Panasonic Breadmaker Review SD-2500 - WXC

Making Bread During Coronavirus Times - Panasonic Breadmaker Review SD-2500 - WXC

Breadmaking has been a great little activity which has been easy and quick. It’s not a hobby that takes ages to really get into and lets face it - end up quitting. There is very little cleaning and preparation required. You literally chuck the ingredients into the tub and put it in the machine. It does all the kneading and baking. And when the bread is done you just need to wipe down the tub, there is hardly any mess on it bar a few crumbs.

The beauty of breadmaking with a bread maker is that you can try an infinite number of recipes and experiment as well! So its a little thrilling each time what you’re gonna get the next morning! You can make anything from olive bread, tomato bread to ciabattas. Honestly ANYTHING!

Pros and Cons of the Panasonic Bread maker SD-2500

Price £99.99 from Argos


  • Very quick, 10 minutes to chuck in ingredients into the bread maker.

  • Very little cleaning up required, the tub you put the ingredients in is non stick, so when the bread is ready there is hardly anything to clean, just a few crumbs.

  • Has a timer so that you can chuck the ingredients in the night before and then wake up to smell of freshly baked bread

  • Comes with a booklet which gives the measurement required for about 100 different recipes

  • Has settings to make small, medium and large size bread

  • Has settings for soft, medium and hard crust

  • The bread has come out lovely and fluffy on first go

  • So simple easy to use. Instructions are simple.

  • You know what ingredients are going in your bread, supermarket sliced bread is known for having additives and preservatives.

  • You can easily go for organic bread, wheat and oats are also known to have a lot of pesticides applied to them.


  • Some menu settings don’t allow for timers, I think the 2501 version allows for more different types of bread to be timed ready for morning.

  • It can be a little hard to get the bread out of the tin, but not sure how you can get around that.

  • Have researched that other bread makers have seed dispensers timed to release at the right time, which this model does not have, So you do have to keep an eye on the time and remember when to add things like seeds. Not a major annoyance.

As a couple trying for a baby we’re taking social distancing during these Coronavirus times quite strictly. That means doing less things that other people might be doing such as eating out in restaurants, meeting friends indoors, going to the cinema, playing football. Restricting and limiting our usual entertainment activities has obviously been quite tough. Taking up new hobbies and new experiences means we can bring a little variety to our lives and helps to keep us going.

If you’re getting a little bored of a restricted lifestyle, then think about giving this a go. It’s easy.

Good Luck

Women On The Ladder


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