About Us


Knowledge is power. This website aims to empower women and their families by sharing knowledge and tips on careers and life. Join our discussions. The more knowledge shared, the more power gained.

My parents from a humble working class background, gave me the grit, determination, conscientiousness, and drive which I will be eternally grateful for. I wouldn’t trade the pathway I have taken for anything else, however having worked for over 10 years in the corporate world, one realises that conscientiousness and competency doesn’t always get you to were you deserve to be. There is a whole jungle gym out there, where you have to navigate the politics, establish your personal brand and work with the crazies as well as possessing inner strength and confidence.

Along with our team of contributors, this website will share the lessons we have learnt along our many years of combined experiences to help get you where you deserve to be.

If you need any kind of help or have any query, feel free to contact us here.