How to Stand Out When You're an Introvert and you want a Promotion!

How to Stand Out When You're an Introvert and you want a Promotion!

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So you've reached a level at work where the next jump means you've got to convey gravitas and command respect, and if you’re an introvert like me, you may feel that this is something you need to work on.

Firstly, if you’re gunning for a promotion, you’re ambitious, so I want to boost your confidence by saying that you must already possess self belief and therefore gravitas. However, whilst you may have spent the last several years diligently getting your work done brilliantly, are you being valued for it and can you be seen as a leader?

You may know that you're a leader because you wear the trousers in your relationship, and it’s you that people follow to the next pub, but do your bosses?

Unfortunately we live in a world where extroverts are more likely to be the boss and some extroverts prefer to hire others in the image of themselves. They cannot fathom that someone who may be more reserved and only speaks when they need to make a valid point can be a leader. Heck, they may not have even noticed you, or worse, have written you off.

****Below are tips that may have been more relevant if you’re physically working in an office, but with a lot of us working from home, How to Stay Visible when Working From Home may also be very useful - xx WOTL team *****

So. How do we get noticed?

  1. Wear something expensive or branded

    I wish we lived in a true meritocracy where we didn’t have to splash our cash on material things just to “look” the part. If you’re an introvert you will loathe that you have to do this, when you’re clearly the most competent out of the competition! However we are all animals and studies have shown that we perceive those who wear branded clothes as having higher wealth and more importantly status.

    Status is what we want to achieve, as it means others can see you as a leader.

    If you want to be invited to meetings with senior people, you need to look the part. Senior managers (unfortunately) do not want to be in meetings with junior people or at least be seen to be in meetings with junior people.

    You may have joined the office as a junior and you may find it difficult to shrug off that image. By starting to wear branded items, you will start dropping hints that you’re highly paid, just like one of them. One of the most expensive item you can buy and wear is a designer watch. A watch will be worn and visible in meetings throughout the day unlike a handbag or coat. Once you’ve got an expensive watch (that you can sensibly afford) move onto the coat and bag.

  2. Wear clothes that make you look older

    If you look at the senior leadership team and the board members you will notice that they tend to wear more tailored clothing. Tailored clothing definitely makes you look older and more professional. Luckily blazers and creased trouser legs are in fashion, and you can always jazz these up to be more trendy.

  3. Wear something edgy and noticeable

    If you want to be NOTICED, and you find it harder with an introvert personality, it may be easier just to dress the part. Wear some really cool high heels or be as stylish as an instagrammer. People will notice you and pay you compliments!

Ok, now that you look the part, the hard part is getting heard by senior people:

  1. Speak up in meetings

    Prepare, prepare, prepare. Have good points, questions and ideas up your sleeve

  2. Reach out to senior people

    • One brilliant way is to ask for feedback. You a.) get insightful advice from them and b.) you massively stroke their ego.

    • Another way, is to identify a way to improve a process that will help them, or to highlight a risk you’ve spotted and ideas you have for mitigating it. Just DO IT, send the email.

As a fellow introvert I know that you have the real skills to get that promotion. In truth that is actually the hardest part, and you’ve nailed that part already.

Others can pretend, but never for long, and they have to deal with being shit scared of being found out all the time. You on the other hand, can actually do the job, so go get noticed and sell yourself!

Good luck!

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