Morning Rush Anxiety - How to Break the Cycle

Morning Rush Anxiety - How to Break the Cycle

Are you feeling rushed in the morning even though you don’t have an imminent deadline? Does your heart rate feel fast, your shoulders tense, and your breath short? You could be experiencing a type of morning anxiety.

The level of the stress hormone cortisol is naturally higher in the mornings, in order to wake you up. But that, coupled with other worries or something you may be dreading can cause your brain and body to get into an anxious battle ready mode, the moment you wake up.

So how do you get out of this anxiety cycle? Well encouragingly the first thing to do is to identify it. You may be so used to the feeling of gogogo! in the mornings that you don’t even realise the amount of stress coursing through your body. Before I go into ways to help calm your mind and body, you need to do the obvious first to get rid of any underlying stress in your brain.

1.) Brain dump the things you need to do

Somewhere in your brain, you think there is a huge load of work that you need to get through, which is causing that rush/hurry sensation..

If you write it out, your tasks may actually be more manageable than you think.

If the word “list” stresses you out, then don’t make one. Do a brainstorm.

2.) Plan WHEN you are going to do it.

So say you do have a long list of things, but by planning when you can tackle each task, you’ll realise that you can fit it all in. And if you cannot, then manage expectations and let others know you’ll need an extension on that deadline or delegate it! If you have given adequate warning, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Book in meetings with anyone you need to deal with in advance so that you know you’ve put things into motion and you’ve blocked out time with the relevant people.

NEXT……..(in order of easiness!)

1. Remember to Breathe!

Take deep long breaths in and out, counting to 4 slowly, hold for 4 and out for 4. Do this at least 10 times. I know taking deep breaths is something you’ve heard of before but it really works, and actually it is slightly harder than you think to discipline yourself to to this 10 times in a row when you’re so used to rushing! Do it where there are no distractions, e.g. don’t do it at your work desk where you’re just gonna want to start working straight away. Do it in front of a window or something calming like a fish tank where you can just watch life go by.

2. Drink Water (hot preferably)

Dehydration is scientifically proven to cause stress on your organs and body. Water helps to flush out your stress hormones cortisol. Stress also causes dehydration as your heart rate is up and your breathing is short and quick. You can easily enter a downward spiral where you’re constantly dehydrated and stressed.

Try drinking a hot drink such as hot water with a slice of lemon. Having a hot drink can have a calming effect, it’s like taking a bath, focus on the feeling of warmth travelling through your body as you sip your hot drink and the warmth you feel in your hands as you cup that mug.


3. Create an easy mindful morning routine

Put into place feel good routines in the morning and really be mindful as you take those actions. For example, try opening the window and feeling that fresh cool air wash over you . Or if you brush your hair, concentrate on how it feels to have the brush massage your scalp.

4. Listen to calming music

The aim is to get out of your head, and the subconscious of stress. Listen to music that is soothing that you enjoy.

5. Think of the things that you can look forward to today

If you’re struggling, start small, so it might just be the lovely winter sunshine, or the sensation of sipping a hot drink whilst it rains outside, or that bath you could take this evening.

6. Wake up 15 minutes earlier

If you wake up and you’re immediately rushing so that you’re logged in ready for a 9 o’clock meeting then wake up 15 minutes early so that you can slowly and mindfully take in the positives for the day. Enjoy your green tea, enjoy your stretch, enjoy your shower!

7. Exercise or just be more active.

30 mins too daunting? Try just 10 minutes in front of the TV. And when you’ve got used to it, try upping it by 5 minutes at a time.

Here are a few short YouTube workouts:

10 minute cardio - The Body Coach TV

15 minute no jumping cardio - Emi Wong

20 minute Yoga workout for Beginners - Adrienne

If you don’t like the idea of exercising then do something active around the house, that could be hoovering to some upbeat music to help you put your ass into it!


These are some ideas to help your mind and body find a more peaceful and calm state of mind. You don’t have to do all of these, it is more important to just start small and to stay consistent. That can literally just be the breathing exercises, and if you manage to do that for 3 days in a row give yourself a pat on the back! And then if you forget to do it or you end up getting distracted for a few days, that’s also fine, when you remember, come back and try another activity that might suit you better.


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