How to Climb the Career Ladder - 4 Key Tips (Part 1)

How to Climb the Career Ladder - 4 Key Tips (Part 1)

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1.) Continue to work hard and achieve results.

I know this may seem obvious, but with a gazillion articles telling you to how to look the part, make sure you never forget to develop your competency level and experience. As women, we need to work twice as hard to get where we want to in our careers.

2.) Get noticed by the decision makers.

  • Volunteer for any task that will gain you exposure.

  • Ask senior people for feedback on your work.
    Reach out by letting them know you look up to them, you’d appreciate some advice on how you could progress in your career and would be grateful for any feedback on how you could improve.

    • People will be flattered you're asking advice from them.

    • You get to talk to them on a 1:1 setting, creating a more personable relationship.

    • They will find out that you're ambitious and want to do more.

    • If they have had a personal hand in advising you on how to progress, they'll be rooting for you the next time an opportunity comes up!

  • Read 6 Ways to Stay Visible When Working from Home

3.) Apply for next job up, even if you think the job is slightly too senior. There is NOTHING TO LOSE.

If you don’t get the job, it is still going to be SUPER BENEFICIAL:

  • You’re noted as being ambitious, and will less likely to be overlooked.

  • You gain interview experience, you know the questions that may come up next time.

  • You find out way more clearly what is expected of you, so you can start putting in place plans you need to get the experience required for the next time you apply.

And if you haven’t heard already, stats are that men tend to apply for the job if they feel they meet at least 60% of the job spec, whereas women tend to only apply when they feel they meet 100%. You don’t need to wait for 100%. If you can already do 100% of the job spec it wouldn’t be enough of a challenge and you’d move on pretty quick. Employers don’t want that either. It is NORMAL to grow into the role. Just prove you have the transferable skills and the potential.

4.) Fingers crossed you get the job, but if you don't you must ask for feedback.

Work with your manager to create a development plan and clear steps the company can help you take to make sure you meet the criteria next time e.g. if is to get experience in a certain area, you can discuss doing a short secondment.


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