5 Online Side Hustles

5 Online Side Hustles

  1. Ebay

    This is one of the easiest ways to guarantee cash in your pocket quickly. Unlike writing a blog which will require lots of dedicated time, selling unwanted items on Ebay will only take you 10 mins to set up. Very little effort is involved yet cash generation is very likely providing you sell usable items in good condition and for a reasonable price.

  2. Fiverr

    If you have a skill such as creating PowerPoint presentations or spreadsheet models and charts then great, you can provide others these skills on Fiverr. However even if you don’t have such a niche skill, you can always try your hand at:

    • Data Entry

    • Voice Over

    Give it a go, you never know!

  3. Online Tutor

    Teach English, another language, how to use Excel or Photoshop. There are many skills you might have that you can share with others.

    The world is becoming more and more digital and the impact of Coronovirus is pushing us towards more remote online ways of working and delivery of services.

    If you have a skill to share there are plenty of platforms that you can sign up to and become an online tutor.

  4. Sell your Photos Online

    We are reaching for online content more and more, and we want nice pictures against our blogs, presentations and videos. If you love taking artistic pictures and you love colour, context, composition then why not share your photos and get paid a share every time your picture is downloaded? Try Shutterstock takes 10 minutes to set up.

  5. YouTube Tutorial

    Are you passionate about a topic that you feel you’ll be able to generate continuous content for? Will you enjoy the creativity and hard work that comes with generating YouTube Videos? Then try.

    Even with the most basic set up people can start to amass views.

    This will not be a surefire way to make money, so don’t bank on this turning you rich overnight. If you have the time, and it is something that you would learn from doing and that you would enjoy doing, then you have nothing to lose.

  6. Start an Online Blog

    Again this isn’t a way to make a quick buck, but if it there is a topic you are passionate about, and you have the time to dedicate a few hours a day to consistently come up with content then try.

    The reason why a lot of blogs don’t get anywhere is because people just don’t have the time or dedication to keep up with the consistency or give up when they only get a handful of viewers in a month. If you have the time to create content and learn ways to increase view then have a go!

  7. Do Paid surveys: YouGov Review

    I have put this last as this is not something you’re gonna survive off! This is like building up store points. It takes ages to build up, but you do get something and its a nice little treat when you do.

    You need to get 50,000 points to get a £50 voucher. You tend to make between 50-150 points per survey. So say the average is 100 points/ survey, you’ll need to do 500 surveys a year to make £50. Surveys tend to take around 10 mins each, so not hard work.

    The only issue is the availability of surveys, there isn’t a readily available supply of surveys, they only come up as and when something has been commissioned.

    To give you an idea, I’ve signed up to 6 months and have been alerted to a YouGov survey only 50 times.

    This therefore probably isn’t a side hustle, but if you do this along side Ebay’ing unwanted items, and selling digital images, you may find that all these little bits start to add up

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