How to Keep Developing When You’re Stuck In Your Job

How to Keep Developing When You’re Stuck In Your Job

Are you frustrated over the lack of development opportunities? Especially if you’re being blocked from promotion or progression from your current boss? There are still ways to keep developing yourself to avoid stagnating in your career because of one person or the company! Below are 7 ways to keep developing and progressing your skills and knowledge:

1.) Ask your boss for a development plan

Your boss may be blocking you from a formal promotion, but it is within their job remit to keep developing and training you. So if they don’t think you’re ready for a promotion make them formalise a pathway for you to get there, and if they struggle to do that, then have an informal chat with HR about your development.

2.) Keep asking and going for opportunities

Ask if you can lead a meeting, ask if you can present. If your boss is blocking those opportunities too, then perhaps try to find opportunities from other leaders in the business. Volunteer for extra curricular activities such as being a key speaker for company forums and networks.

3.) Finish your tasks ahead of time and use the extra time to learn additional skills

4.) Keep on top of industry news

If you really want to be on top of your game, you need to be abreast with the latest developments in the industry are. That’s what real leaders do. Drop in industry updates when you can to show off your passion and intelligence! Try Google Alerts for news updates on key topics.

5.) Keep getting noticed by other senior bosses and most importantly your boss’s boss!

  • If you’re in a team meeting, make sure you have a good question or point to say prepared.

  • If you’re on a zoom call, make sure you’re not a team member who hides, show your face.

  • Show up early to meetings and make sure you’re building relationships in the “meeting before the meeting”!

6.) Continue to Act Up

Even if your boss will actively ignore any added value you bring, continue to act as if you were the next level up. If you had a brilliant boss, what would they do next? What would they push you to do to get even more out of your report?

This is for your own benefit, to keep growing and to keep motivated. Over time this will be noticed by others around you. Your boss cannot take your achievements and what you learn away from you and you will be able to talk about your experiences and achievements in future interviews.

7.) Research Your Next Career Move

Read up on the job spec of your dream job or next career move. Highlight areas you need more experience in, or the key skills you could develop further, and then go and find those opportunities, whether that is from where you currently work or by taking a course.

Is there someone more senior at work that you are always impressed by? Analyse what makes them so good and try to learn from them.

“Dress for the job you want” really means “Act like you’re in the job you want”

Ultimately if you’re not been learning anything in your job and you want more, then look to leave for a better position. But understandably in the current climate, you may not be in a position to quit. So bide your time, keep learning and adding to your CV and be as ready as you can be when the next opportunity arises.



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