4 Key Things to Prepare for Before Your First Day in Your New Job

When I started my current job a year ago, I was prepared to put in the hard work (that is a given), however I was not prepared in the art of making a confident first impression on a range of new and senior people I would be introduced to in constant meetings in my first week. Thinking back on it now, I cringe at how I may have come across; the shy hesitant newbie.

Here are some of the tips you should bear in mind when starting a new job:

1.) Work our how you want introduce yourself.

For example: " Hi, I'm Jessica, I'm stepping into the new role of UK Finance Manager....". Have some sentences prepared on what sums you up. e.g. "I trained at PWC for 3 years and then worked in taxation for 2 years." Then make sure you take a similar level of interest with them. If you’re someone who can often be mistaken as someone young or junior, you want to instantly rewrite that judgement, you might want to drop in how many years of experience you have in the sector subtly.

2.) Prepare for some personal icebreaker stories

In first graduate job, every meeting would involve going around the room to introduce ourselves. Expect that you may have to attend lots of meetings with "ice breakers", where you may need to say 3 interesting facts about yourself. I personally find this a very horrible experience, but make it less so by always being prepared with some answers.

3.) Find out who your stakeholders are

If you're in a relatively senior position, perhaps set up meetings with them so you can discuss their needs and the type of relationship they want with you. If you’re more junior then suss out who you need to impress.

4.) Don’t expect to understand everything

Take the opportunity as a newbie to admit you’re not familiar with something or that you need to find out. There is certain confidence you put across when you say, “I’m not sure I’m new, but i’ll find out and get back to you”.

Lastly, even if you fail all of the above because you're nervous, just SMILE and enjoy your interactions with everyone you meet. It’s important to just be present in the moment and to be proud of yourself for being there.

Good Luck





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