6 Ways to Influence and Persuade

6 Ways to Influence and Persuade

Have you had to persuade a team to come on board with your new mission? Have you had to influence your stakeholders decision but found that what you had to say didn't really interest them? Here are 6 ways to try and get through and gain their interest and support

1.) Reason with data, facts and logic  

This style of influence appeals particularly to analytical people. If you know you are going to persuade someone who is keen on being reassured with objective analysis, make sure you have the facts and data to back up your argument so that your desired outcome is almost irresistible to agree with.

2.) Friendly Persuasion

This works when you have time and various people to persuade. It is encouraging for people to know that you are open to ideas and you value their input. With friendly persuasion you are taking on board all of people's opinions and then aligning that to your desired outcome, so that your reasoning incorporates their opinions and beliefs.

3.) Vision

This requires a future outlook and emphasises future benefits to all parties. This can be good when trying to persuade a team of people your new process or idea, as it helps to motivate. 

4.) Tough Persistence

This might be needed if you have knowledge that other people do not have, that has meant you needed to make a different decision. Until they are able to know all the factors involved they will disagree with you. This would require you to push through, when all is revealed they will understand why.

5.) Leverage

If you have support from senior people, or direction from senior people, it can often mean case is closed and people have to come on board. Therefore it can be good to run your ideas by other line managers or other highly regarded and influential people and get their approval and support first.

6.) Bargaining

This might be required when you are competing for limited resources and can require compromise for both parties to take away some benefit. Beware that this can mean that you give away some ground and you could reveal that you are desperate. 

So these are 6 different ways to influence, try to choose the best technique for your unique situation and the personality type of the person you are trying to influence.

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