Staying Positive when You Know You will be Leaving Your Job

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I believe everybody will at one point feel demotivated at work for a wide variety of reasons, e.g. your boss does not appreciate you, there is no progression, not paid enough.

Whilst these negative aspects can cause you to write off the whole day at work, try to remain positive. After all, if you feel rubbish between the hours of 9-6, remember this is effectively three quarters of your day when you are awake. Inevitably your negativity will become a habit and will seep into the hours you are not at work, impacting your confidence levels and self esteem.

Therefore as much as you should rightfully feel pissed off because your boss is prick, you are only harming yourself by building up the resentment inside yourself.

Try to stay positive by:

1.) Repeating positive affirmations in the morning;
I know this can sound silly, but what is your alternative? "I don't want to wake up, this day is going to be rubbish because i hate work" Why upset yourself at the start of the day?

2.) Smile and engage with people at work.

It can be easy to become insular when you are inside your own head repeating the same negative thoughts again and again. Try to come out of your head and engage with people. By smiling your brain will rewire itself to thinking you must be happy!

And never forget, certain industries can be a small world, you never know when you’ll need to reach out to someone, or whether in 5 jobs’ time you’ll meet the same people again. Let people remember a positive impression of yourself.

3.) Focus on getting your work done instead of thinking what's the point?

There is a point! If its not for the company who doesn't deserve you, its for you to hold your head up high in an interview and believe 100% you are a good employee, you are important and you do matter. When you allow yourself to be demotivated by your crap boss you only reinforce the implication that you don't matter. If your boss doesn't realise how good you are,  it doesn’t mean YOU have to REALISE that opinion. It was your boss's opinion, don't make it into a fact

4.) Spot opportunities to add to your CV
Want to move into marketing? Go and make a conversation with the marketing team.
Been asked to fix a horrendous problem? Do it and put it on your CV how you turned it around
Only have time to do monotonous tasks? Think of ways to be more efficient, the time saved you can be researching ways to challenge yourself, teaching yourself new skills. Even if the process to make something more efficient doesn’t get implemented, you know the story you can tell in an interview!

When you know you will be leaving, it can be be challenging to stay motivated, but remember that being positive is something you are doing for yourself. Being a positive person will show at your interviews and you will be in a better position to find your next dream job.

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