Bored of Working from Home? 10 Ways to Switch Things Up!

Bored of Working from Home? 10 Ways to Switch Things Up!

As much of the world enters a second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, the working from home situation drags on. For some this is great and for some this can be tough. Regardless, the fact that life is a bit more restricted than normal, we can be feeling a little bored, down and sad. So here are some ways to try and reboot and switch up to try and add some variety and excitement to your day.

  1. Switch up your environment.

    Easy ways to do this are to:

    • Rearrange your furniture

    • Hang up new pictures and posters or move them around

    • Buy some new house plants

    • Change your duvet covers/ shower curtains.

  2. Switch up your morning routine.

    Change the order of how you get ready. Sick of rolling out of bed and mindlessly getting ready for work? Try incorporating feel good actions such as: opening the window, doing some stretches. Or perhaps try going for a walk or run in the morning. Eat some fruit for breakfast. You’ll have started the day having already achieved some health goals. (Read here for 10 Best Morning Routine Tips.)

  3. Switch up your meals.

    Are you having the same meal every week? Getting bored of spaghetti bolognese? Try signing up to a company that delivers recipe boxes such as HelloFresh. (Read my HelloFresh review here). It gives you new ideas on what to cook, and you don’t have to spend ages sourcing new ingredients and measuring the amounts to cook them.

  4. Go for different walking routes at lunch time.

    Or even a drive!

  5. Listen to new music.

    Spotify has launched a Beta version where a group of friends can listen in at real time to the same playlist. Have a good friend at work that you can Zoom with and listen to music at the same time? Try it!

  6. Use your annual leave.

    Even if you’re not going anywhere. Breaking up the Monday-Friday and 9-5 monotony helps to break these long months up. Try taking a Wednesday day off and break up the week.

  7. Invest in little luxuries and treats.

    Is there a little treat that you’d like? An ice lolly, jelly, ice coffee? At the end of the work day kick back and treat yourself.

    Are you a coffee lover? Contemplate buying a proper coffee machine and spend weeks perfecting the perfect brew and making different variations that are just as good as your previous Pret or Starbucks coffee.

    We’ve recently bought a breadmaker. (Read our experience and review here). Having freshly baked crusty warm bread is such a treat in the morning. And it’s so quick and easy to use, hardly any clearing up or preparation to do at all!

  8. Catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to for a while at work.

    Sometimes you can just talk to the same group of people, make the effort to put in a 10 min tea break Zoom chat with Linda from accounts!

  9. Wear something different!

    Yes of course working from home can mean you’re not having to make as much effort as you used to, but dig out the outfits that you haven’t worn in ages. Even the monotony of pulling on the same pair of pants can add to that boredom feeling.

    Try to prepare a new set of outfits at the weekend that you’ll look forward to wearing. You know that feeling when you’ve bought a stunning new outfit you want to show off at work? Go and get that same feeling.

    Want to get back to looking and feeling fresh and sharp. Read my article on Ways to Look Sharp! here.

  10. Don’t overwork!

    Don’t let life whizz right through from the endless monotony of work. Remember that your life is not just about work and there are other spheres of your life that you should make sure spend your time on:








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