How to Shine At Work When You're An Introvert

How to Shine At Work When You're An Introvert

Do you feel you’re mistaken as boring/ lacking in confidence/ quiet when actually you have a brilliant personality that just needs to shine?

Introverts only speak when they have something of value to say. That can mean you speak less in general and others can perceive this to mean you’re shy, quiet or are lacking in confidence. When people perceive you this way, you can get labeled, and sometimes it is hard to come out of the box people have put you in.

The good thing is if you’re reading this, you know you can bust out of that box!

Here are some tips for doing so:

1.) Become comfortable in your environment

What can help encourage you to shine is to get comfortable in your environment. One massive way to get comfortable is to get to know people in your workplace. When you know people, they become an another human just like yourself and you’re less afraid of what they think of you.

2.) Learn general chit chat questions

To start to get to know people is difficult, I mean , you’re an introvert right? If you don’t know them, what would you have to say to them? and why would you say something that might mean nothing to them?!

You HAVE to turn this around on the head. For example if you were in the kitchen area of your office and someone sparked up a conversation with you, would you think, what a weirdo?! or would you just feel flattered and happy that someone wanted to speak with you?! More likely the latter.

Talking to people makes people feel good about themselves. So just do it. An easy ways for girls may be to compliment someone’s outfit: “Love that shirt, where did you get it from? You wear great outfits, which department do you work in? Is it busy there? I work in XXX, it’s XXX. right I better get back to it! “

Then the next time you see that person you’ll know their name and you can find out more about them!

4.) Be prepared to talk about your weekend!

Ok, you may seriously hate small talk for the first 10 minutes of a 30 minute meeting when there is so much work you need to get through. However, this is a meeting before the meeting where you get to be more than just your job title. This is the meeting where they can get to know YOU, what you’re like as a friendly human being, and what differentiates you from any other Joe Bloggs. Even if you did nothing but watch episodes 1-9 of Star Wars that weekend, say that’s what you did! So you’re a sci fi nerd, that’s something unique about you. If all you did was Marie Kondo your drawers, then again talk about it, the chances are the other people around the table might have done the same thing a couple of weeks ago. The point is don’t be afraid to be show WHO YOU ARE.

3.) Build a relationship with senior people

Okay so striking up a conversation with a random person in the kitchen can be a lot easier than someone senior. Your self dialogue is probably going something like this: “Why would they want to talk to you? They are too busy to have a chat with you, they don’t even know who you are!”

Again not the case, if someone more junior than yourself approached you and just said hi, would you think go away?! no again, these bosses are human too, and probably would welcome a chat because most people would probably try to avoid them! No one is asking you to tell them your life story, but a “Hi, how was your weekend? what have you got for lunch there?” is nothing to freak out about!

If you need an excuse to build a relationship with a senior person that you have some professional interaction with, then ask for 360 feedback from them. This is an absolutely amazing way to break the ice: a.) it’s to do with work, b.) you flatter them, c.) it’s a brilliant way to just chat. By the end of it you won’t be scared of them ever again, because they are just another friendly person!

Once you get to know people better, the more they’re not just a colleague who might judge you from afar but they become friends who will support you. You’ll be less afraid to speak up and show off. They know you, so they won’t judge you.

So the next step is to actually show off your super skills !!!!! HOW ?!?!?!?!

  • Ask to present/ lead at the next meeting.

  • Ask to give a training course.

  • Always prep for meetings and prepare for some intelligent questions or points to ask or make.

  • Look your best.

  • SMILE.

And lastly BE YOURSELF. Being an introvert is great and something to be proud of, don’t pretend to be someone else, all you should be doing is just showing more of the great person you are!

Good Luck!

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