7 Top Tips for A Successful Video Interview

7 Top Tips for A Successful Video Interview

1.) Ensure your microphone is good quality

Do a test run, record yourself and play it back. Make sure you’re clear and loud enough. If not adjust the setting or invest in a good quality mic.

2.) Decide on the perfect video set up in advance

Make sure your camera is facing you dead on and at head height so you’re not having to look up, but straight ahead and ever so slightly tipped down. The aim is to look like you’re facing them dead on (or slightly taller, which is why you want to look ever so slightly downwards) which will help you look confident.

The same goes for getting your camera in a position where you can see the screen AND in the same direction as the camera lens. This will enable you to look as straight down the lens as possible, as if you’re looking at them in the eye.

Also sit at a table and chair, not on a sofa!

3.) Don’t have a bright window behind you

This will cause yourself to appear too dark on camera. If you cannot avoid it then try placing a lamp on your desk which will bring light to your face. You can also try adjusting your camera settings.

4.) Create a clean and tidy background

Make sure you haven’t got any offensive posters or prints on your wall! It’s also preferable not to have a bed in the background or look like you’re in a bedroom. Obviously this may be difficult to practically avoid, as your bedroom may be the most private undisturbed space you have. If you cannot avoid then rearrange your room so your bed is out of shot, or zoom in a bit so you cannot see the bed.

5.) Dress professionally (top AND bottom!)

This will help you get into a professional and focused mindset. Get yourself made up as if you were going for an interview in person. Read here for ways to look ship sharp

6.) Practice talking through your CV aloud to yourself

Get in the habit of being comfortable talking about yourself and at length if needs be. Get used to the sound of your own voice. Run through your CV so that everything flows naturally. Don’t be rigid in your format as you’ll likely be interrupted with further questions, the aim is to have practiced chatting through your CV so many times that you’re at ease running through it.

7.) Sit back in your chair

Lastly, take a deep breath and sit back comfortably in your chair. Sitting back will help steady any nerves as it tricks your brain into thinking you’re relaxed and at ease. You’ll radiate confidence!

Good Luck!

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