Covid-19 - Working From Home? Invest Time Saved on Travelling On Projects You've Always Wanted To Do

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Our lives seem to be in limbo, and the pause button pressed whilst big milestone life events such as weddings, trying for a baby, moving jobs are postponed whilst Covid-19 wreaks havoc on the NHS and the economy. This is a daunting prospect given no one can be sure how long our lives will pause for.

We should try to think of the positives, and for those lucky enough to work from home, one major positive is that we can use that 1 hour taken to travel to and from work to do something productive. That is 2 hours a day which is 10 hours a week! And this excludes the time to get dressed and put your make up on. If we include this, we could easily get us to 2 whole extra working days a week!!!!!

Think of all the times you wanted the time to have a side hustle, but could never be bothered. The biggest effort is required at the start when you need to get it set up, we can invest that time NOW!

For me personally i’m going to take the time to invest in this blog!

Side Hustling: investing time that could make you more money

  1. Write more content on your blog and market it

  2. Photograph and sell all the items you no longer need on Ebay.

  3. Learn a skill that will help you in your career, (e.g. improve your excel skills, follow a YouTube tutorial)

Other productive things could be:

  1. Learn/practice an instrument

  2. Learn a language

  3. Paint/draw

  4. Improve your house, reorganise, decorate, brighten up, clean

  5. Put together new outfits for when you do eventually get back to work

  6. Exercise!

  7. Call your friends and family - For those whose family live far away and you’re always putting of that phone call because you’re too busy with work. CALL THEM, it’s more important than ever to strengthen and make the most of our loving relationships.

Give back to the community in such troubling times

Another thing I hope we can try and do is figure ways to help others who may not be as lucky as us to work from home, such as doctors and nurses. I’m struggling to think of ideas, apart from the obvious of practicing good hygiene and social distancing to prevent getting Covid 19 and passing it onto many more, crippling the NHS.


  • Sign up to petitions that you feel would help NHS, pressure the government into investing more into the NHS and its staff.

  • Help charities/ other care services that could help relieve the pressure in the NHS; donate to domestic abuse charities, or charities like Macmillan.

Have you got any ideas? Please suggest them in the comments below!

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