Super EASY ways to feel more confident - 5 x 5 minute tasks

Super EASY ways to feel more confident - 5 x 5 minute tasks

1.) Repeat confidence affirmations every morning

Sandwich them with a sentence which you really believe in. e.g. if being thoughtful is one of the key defining qualities you would describe yourself then say: I am powerful, thoughtful and confident!

Here are a few that work for me:

I am smart, thoughtful and powerful

I stand tall and proud, and I am myself

I am worthy, I work hard to be here and I exude confidence

2.) Think of 3 things that you did well today

I made a good point in a meeting today.
I've eaten 5 fruits and veg.
I've done 10,000 steps.

3.) Start with small achievable goals

For example, a 5 minute meditation session every morning. By starting with a small goal, you’ll feel confident that you can achieve something, if you set your mind to it. Another example of an easy goal might be to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

4.) Give a friend who loves you a call!

Genuine friends love you for you, so it takes just a few seconds to pick up the phone! call a friend who would love to hear from and you will feel great in no time!

5.) Do a power pose

If you’re feeling nervous before a meeting or an interview, do a power pose, stand like you would if you were WonderWoman. This is scientifically proven to increase your confidence levels quickly. Give yourself a smile and think to yourself that you’ve got this!!!


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