Why Working Too Hard is Not Good For Your Career

Why Working Too Hard is Not Good For Your Career

1.) If you work too hard, you're more likely to miss the bigger picture

To be a leader, you need to show you can see the bigger picture. Step back and always remember why you are doing what you are doing.

2.) Your bosses may take advantage of you.

If you are working too hard off your own back, they will believe that this is of your own accord and that you aren't driven by monetary rewards. You will start to get bitter and resentful when others who don't work as hard get bigger payrises. In addition, they will start to see your over and above standard as the NORM.

“Consistently going way over and above has DIMINISHING RETURNS.”

3.) By working harder and harder, you'll actually be less visible.

Keeping your head down and getting on with it will mean people won’t remember you. People remember you more if they talk to you, not from having seen one your spreadsheets. The saying is “Put a face to a name” not “Put a spreadsheet to a name"!

Read here for 6 Ways to Stay Visible When Working From Home

4.) You need to be able to show you can delegate and manage

Sometimes working too hard can mean that you’re not delegating or prioritising your time enough. Your time is important. If that weekly meeting is useless, suggest shortening it to 30 mins instead of an hour.

5.) People look up to the people who "have it all", remember to show that you can work hard and play hard.

People always respect leaders that are composed and in control as well as also someone who can let their hair down and have fun with the team.


1.)  Start to draw boundaries e.g. not working at weekends. To discipline yourself, organise things to do with your friends and family so that you will not actually have time to work at the weekends. It is so important to have a balance in life. it actually improves your confidence in life and also improves your focus at work. When people ask you what you got up to, take it as a chance to chat about what you got upto. You'll be more memorable than if you can say more than "good thanks".

2.) Ask your bosses when they need x,y,z by. In doing so they will remember you actually have other things on your plate and give you some leeway. If they say they need it as soon as possible, make them aware of the other priorities you have and make them earn the money they are on by making the executive decision to say you can do their stuff first instead of something else.

3.) If you really must work late, make sure you make people aware of it. Try to ask for TOIL ahead of knowing you'll have to work overtime. If you’re tempted to shoot off an email late at night be careful how many times you do this and it can give the impression you are overwhelmed and cannot manage upwards/ downwards.  

3.) Delegate, delegate, delegate. You will begin to look like a leader. 

4.) Document everything you've been asked to do. If you have a boss who just shoots request left right and centre, they often forget everything they've asked for. Have it ready in your head if they ask why you haven’t done x,y,z, its because you were having to do a,b & c. Or better, update them on your 25 list of things to do, and confirm which ones you should prioritise.

Don't let the person you know best be the security guy doing the night round.

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