Making Pizza With the Panasonic SD-2500-WXC

Making Pizza With the Panasonic SD-2500-WXC

This was a fun lunchtime activity which only took 25 minutes of hand preparation time. The rest of the time your bread maker and oven does the work!

Making pizza is a great little activity where you can experiment with an infinite number of topping combinations and have fun with your family putting the toppings on.

How to Make Pizza with the Panasonic SD-2500-WXC:

  • 45 minutes in the bread maker, with the flour, yeast, salt and olive oil, makes the pizza dough.

  • 20 minutes for the the dough to rise in an oven at 40 degrees Celsius (fan oven).

  • 15 minutes to press the dough into a flat circular base and to add the toppings.

  • 15 minutes to cook the pizza and topics in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius (fan oven).

Ingredients and Measurements (Pizza for 2)

  • Dough ingredients - 0.25 tsp of yeast, 300g of strong white flour, 1 tbspn of olive oile, 1 tsp of salt, 170ml of water. Add the ingredients in that order into the breadmaker.

  • Toppings - whatever you want, but this combination was 10/10:

    • Tomato puree/ passata - 8 tablespoons

    • Ham - 1.5 slices ripped to smaller pieces

    • Mozzarella - 1 ball is sufficient 150g

    • Black Olives - 10 olives

    • Artichokes - 3 hearts

    • Cracked black pepper

    • Jalepenos - 6 pieces

  • Serve with Chilli Oil

Have fun this weekend.

My hubby rolled out the base btw! Which is why it’s shaped like the continent Africa. He was going for the rustic look! LOL.



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